Monday, November 17, 2008

Prophecy fullfilled

This weekend I was able to ordain my father a High Priest. Now you might wonder why that is prophecy fulfilled. Well let me explain. I joined the LDS church in 1992. I was a 17 years old (my 18th birthday was just a few weeks away). When I joined my family was accepting of my decision but had not participated in any of the missionary discussions. A year later I went on a two year mission to the Dominican Republic. Every convert will tell you of their desires to see their family accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I longed for it, I prayed for it and as I was teaching the families in the DR, I continually thought of it. I received blessings promising that one day my family would join. My very last blessing given to me as I was leaving the mission by the Presidente Madrid also indicated that. Naturally when I came home I was fired up and ready to commit them to baptism. However life happened.

A month after my return, I was able to baptize my sister Darlene. Her husband was what I would call a "closet" mormon having been baptized years earlier but then went inactive. None of us knew it when he had married my sister. A few months later I baptized my Grandma Kenyon. However my parents still hesitated. My father was diagnosed with Prostate cancer in August of 1995. I had been home for just over a month. I thought that the he would be humbled and be willing to accept the Gospel. Boy was I wrong. Instead he became hardened. The next few years were difficult for him and my mom. Even though Dad had beaten cancer, he seemed more depressed and I was unsure if he would ever join the church.

By this time I had gotten married and maybe someday I will share that story and how I felt the day of my wedding. But I could still see so much good in my parents and knew that if I had found the truth, they could to. Now lets go forward ten years. It was Easter. My parents had come from Rawlins, WY to Logan to have Easter with us. I was serving in the Branch Presidency of a youth corrections branch and normally would not go to church with my family. However since it was Easter, I talked to my counselors and I went to church with my whole family. My parents had started coming to church with us when they visted. I was sitting in Sacrament meeting during the sacrament reflecting (isn't that what we are suppose to do?) As I was thus engaged, a thought or vision popped into my mind. I saw in my minds eye me ordaining my Dad to the priesthood, but not just the priesthood, but as a High Priest. I remember getting teary eyed with this impression and then blew it off as wishful thinking. To my knowledge my parents were not interested in getting baptized.

I did not think anymore of it until a phone call in early July of that same year. It was dinner time, and we had just sat down to eat. As I answered the phone it was my Dad. He asked if we could come to Rawlins a week earlier than had planned and I said yes but why. He then told me that he and my mom wanted me to baptize them! Tears quickly flowed and my wife thought that someone had died. I couldn't believe it!

Now fast forward to last Sunday. There I was, with my family and the Stake President of Rock springs wyoming stake. I laid my hands on my father's head and fulfilled the prophecy, or vision I had had years before. If this isn't the Lord's true church than I don't know what could be!

1 comment:

Ali said...

Congratulations Danny, that is so awesome!