Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Pride of a Parent.

So I think at times I think I am a little too prideful of my kids...but dang...they are awesome. This weekend...Jacob scores 14 pts in a basketball game, Emma passes a figure skating test and Julia just got done performing in the Cache Civic ballet's performance of Firebird. She was awesome!

check out these pics!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday's and Testimony

So I realize that I tend to blog on Sunday's. I think it is because Sunday is the one day a week that I am actually in a reflective mood. Today was Stake Conference which meant we didn't have church until 1:00pm and we went to the Logan Tabernacle (uncomfortable seats). I decided before hand that I wanted to have my older children actually sort of pay attention (I didn't realize the reaction I would get from my 8 year old..lets just say not pleasant). All I asked was that they write 2 sentences about each speaker's topic (only one for the 8 year old throwing huge attitude). It wasn't the most pleasant conference, but I do have to say, I loved the sentences I got. They were actually listening and got things that I didn't get out of it (probably because I was still furious about the attitude). It reminds me of something I learned years ago when I was training to be a teacher for seminary classes. A wise old man once said (I am paraphrasing)...that you don't have to sneak up on the youth and teach them about God...they want to learn it. Now that I have six of my own, I can see that. I still worry about them, but there are moments that I see a light that I haven't seen before. That light is the light of testimony. It is a light that like a flame grows from a small spark until it consumes the whole soul. And just like a real flame there are times that wind blows and begins to cover that flame, yet given the right angle instead of blowing it out the wind causes the flame to get larger. So it is with our struggles, our challenges. It can either take the flame of testimony out, or it can build it, enhance it.

And so on this Sunday, my testimony has increased a little, which is what I needed. Now I need to fan that flame with positive things that will continue to grow that flame instead of smother it.

I have updated some pictures on facebook here is the link

Monday, January 11, 2010

Do you sometimes just wander what the future will hold. I know that sometimes I just want a crystal ball so I can see the future and just know that all will be well. I think that more and more as I get older, especially with my kids. In the last week a couple of people that I know either through work or from church were involved in some serious accidents. As a parent, it is somewhat easy to control your kids when they are young. You are usually where they are and so you feel like you can protect them.

Its this philosophy that makes me want to be the driver everytime we go anywhere. I figure that if something happens I can control the situation. But in reality once your children get older, they now make decisions and go places without you. You give up that basic control and hope that they will make the right decisions and be safe. I know, my oldest is only 11, but in a few short years he will be old enough to drive and better stop thinking...freaks me out a little! Anyway, I guess it just gives me small perspective of a much grander picture of life and eternity. And I guess that someday I will have my crystal ball and be able to see all things at once...but until then I will just have to make due with hope that all will be safe when I can't be there to protect them.

Here is a link to a photo album on facebook with some current photos..

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Julia's Baptism

So last Saturday was indeed a special day in the Brownell House. My third child Julia was baptized. So far so good, 50% of my kids are now baptized, hopefully that becomes 100% followed by 100% married in the temple, etc. I am really in awe of my life as I look around and see my family accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for that I was able to go into the water and baptize her. But I think I am even more thankful for the opportunity I had to lay my hands on her head and give her the greatest gift that she will ever receive in mortality, the gift of the Holy Ghost. I was amazed at how I felt, and how the words of her blessing flowed from my lips. I am always in impressed by the beauty of the Lord's words as it flows from the lips of those ordained to bless. Indeed we live in a great time of world, a time of great darkness for some, but great light for others. Here are some more pictures of that day (this is for you Michelle and Brandon!)